Democracy in Motion

Join us as we travel the ins and outs of the Highway 30 interchange debate as it affects Nevada and rural Story County. Guests include Nevada council member Ray Schwichtenberg, Story County supervisor Rick Sanders and farmer Randy Collings, with recorded comment from Iowa Department of Transportation District 1 engineer Scott Dockstader. We then travel down the road a ways with Caroline Isaacs, Arizona director of American Friends Service Committee. She is coming to Ames to present a lecture "Who Benefits from Immigrant Detention and Mass Incarceration" on Wednesday evening (details in link below). Finally, we hear three citizen voices opposed to Governor Branstad's Medicaid privatization plan and its hasty implementation, en route to address the Government Oversight Committee in Des Moines: Rhonda Shouse of Marion, who organized several busloads and vanloads of like-minded citizens from around Iowa, "Stacey", on the bus with Rhonda, and Tom Andre, driving his own carload from Ames.

Listen Here Now Originally broadcast 12/07/2015
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