Raising Readers, Project Smyles

Two projects aimed at encouraging young people to read were featured on KHOI’s Local Talk show Friday, Jan. 31.

Co-hosts Susan Franzen and Tom Beell talked with the president and vice president of Raising Readers , Carol Elbert and Carolyn Jons, who described the wide variety of activities their group’s volunteers undertake to instill a love of reading in children. They start with visits to the parents of newborns in hospitals, and continue with preschool programs and summer camp for older kids.

Also appearing on the program Friday was Linda Olson, organizer of Project Smyles at the Ames Public Library. Project Smyles encourages youngsters to take advantage of the library’s rich collection of books, CDs and DVDs. Staff members conduct story times for children’s groups and in other ways help children develop appreciate the joy and value of reading. Like Raising Readers, Project Smyles is funded by grants and private donations. Earlier in the program, Paul Schlarbaum talked with Steve Dinsmore about the unusual sounds of Iowa’s owls. And then Pete Seeger, who died Monday (Jan. 27), was remembered with his performance of Alligator Hedgehog and Leather Wing Bat from his album, Birds, Beasts, Bugs and Fishes.

Originally broadcast 01/31/2014
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